Chapter 8: Divine Revelations
Spiritual things are easier to understand with a divine encounter. Faithful to scripture, something of the Spirit, can only be understood by those in the Spirit. In most cases, those who receive divine revelations are spiritually deep, and they know how this realm operates. To see strange things and to make explanations require understanding. Interpretation of those peculiar happenings is what people call divine revelations. I have been witnessing a series of strange things, but they have a spiritual significance.
For this reason, everything happening in the physical has a spiritual background. I see bright white lights when I close my eyes in the middle of the day and whenever I try to go to sleep. It can linger and seem to appear out of nowhere. Anyway, I did ask my doctor if this is psychosis, and she said no. Whenever this happens, I would have a flashback of a memorable experience that I believe was spiritual, as if it had just happened yesterday. Reading the Book of John, there are many times "light" was mentioned.
Divine revelations operate in the frequency of light. Just in the same that you can't give what you don't have, you cannot operate in them if you're not in the Spirit. Revelations bring floodlights to life, making it possible to walk in the physical and spiritual paths simultaneously. Mastery of the spiritual is a concept made possible through the power of light and divine wisdom. For this to manifest, the knowledge of scripture and understanding God's ways is crucial. I used to be afraid when I experienced strange spiritual happenings. At first, seeing the bright white light freaks me out, but not anymore. How it started is utterly different from how it is presented today. It is like I have been taking steps whose progress is determined by the mastery of the previous. In the same, when you're walking the path of the spiritual, it is vital to ensure that knowledge of the lessons is enhanced without allowing your heart to be master of the previous. However, I have learned to trust God through all circumstances.
In most cases, I find out that the will of God out rules my choice, and I'm okay with it. I now, more than ever, understand that God has a good plan for my life, and my situation with mental illness did not meet him by surprise. He alone has a good strategy for me, and my future is more significant. This encouraging scripture is a pointer to God's faithfulness and capacity to fulfill promises when we abide in Him. My Father God has shown me the kindness to build my faith by choosing me to be a believer and giving me a purpose for my life and a means to achieve it through you. You have been faithful in the little goals in my life. I must obey God rather than a human being. I chose to do this because I cannot please a man. I can please you. I read about Thomas, and I share his strengths and weaknesses. Thomas is devoted to Jesus and follows you. His faith is weak when you are not around. Sometimes he is skeptical and questions, but he is honest about it. If he didn't understand something, he said so. If he felt discouraged, he acted like it. I am very much like Thomas. I doubt and question faith a lot. I went through many trials that piled up, and I started having many doubts. I know God is always good. Your plan for me is clear and always unambiguous, but only if I'm willing to listen from my heart. Thank you, Lord, for always coming through for me when I pray, and when I need healing, you come through. I do not feel good right now. I trust you and have faith, Jesus. In the blood of Jesus Christ, my Spirit declares all the evil spirits inside me to be cast out and leave my mind and body! Thank you, Lord, for giving me the strength to go through the day with you beside me.
I prayed to take away my sickness and pain. With my grateful heart and arms stretched out, I cried out to Him. I thanked the Holy One who gave me the spiritual gift. I am still trying to figure out what to do with it. Lord, I come to you. Let my heart be renewed. Hold me close, let your love surround me, and as I wait to rise and soar up high like an eagle to be with you. Lord, I give you my heart. Give you my soul. The power of your love is all I need. I will live for you. Father, I pray that you have your way in me. I want to surrender to you, but my mind still needs to be transformed. My brain is not normal. Only you can heal it slowly. There is the medication I must take if I still cannot sleep tonight. It does not mean I lost faith. I believe you created doctors and medications to help while your power works to heal me inside and out completely. You to heal me inside and out thoroughly.
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